I was fine till I got to my driving school even fine for the first half an hour there. My regular instructor was gone for the second day in a row, I was cool with that too, because the chick who fills in for her(this chick also owns the school) is usually pretty cool. I don't mind her to say the least...
Until today anyway.
She left the room to handle something in her office, which is understandable since obviously, she needs to do her actual job as well as sub in. Wasn't bothered by that. While my class and I were waiting for her to come back, I had a fairly random urge to sift through my notebook to help pass time, just flip through the pages real fast, nothing too big. And in the back I have(or should I say had) a few doodles that I'd drawn a little over a week ago, and as I was passing them in my flipping, my teacher somehow managed to ninja her way behind me in her black stiletto heels(a feat I must say I'm quite impressed with >->) and without warning swooped down on my notebook, snatching it.
Accusing me of drawing RIGHT THEN, without giving me any room for explanation, she RIPPED the pages out of my notebook(yes, she did flip through some pages, I guess to check if there were more pictures) and showed them to the class, proclaiming that "we have an artist in here" and proceeding to tell them what each picture was, and then telling me that I now get the wonderful plasure of writing an essay on one of the pictures about how driver's education is more important than drawing. Meanwhile, I'm left stammering uselessly, trying to find a space in all her endless talking to defend myself.
Okay, first of all, bravo. I commend this woman on her punishment techiniques. Covered every base she possibly could, right down the humiliation of the accused. But I would really have a lot more respect and admiration for her though IF I HAD BEEN DRAWING IN THE FIRST PLACE. >-<
Here are some of my MAIN issues with all this....
First of all.....
What the duck farts do you give a rat's pattotie if I draw in it? I paid for it. It's mine. I was NEVER drawing while there was a lesson actively in progress. So.... butt the hell out. Even if you'd had the right to take the doodle you thought I was working on YOU HAD NO RIGHT to take my others. Stole my property is what she did
You're getting paid either way, right? If you're so worried that I'm too distracted to be learning properly(which by the way, is not true; I have been active and participating in class, I have taken good notes, AND I have gotten good grades on quizzes and the like) then flunk me.
3. Do not treat me like a grade schooler.
An essay, really? I haven't had to write a disciplinary essay since I was in fifth grade. I'm an adult. Granted, a fairly new adult, but I am still an adult. Please treat me with some dignity and respect. I think I'm passed the point in my life where your methods are tolerable. If you have a problem with me, talk to me privately, and like a person.
I guess that's all I have on that for now >-> Just needed to get it off my chest some more.
Now I guess I'm off to write my godforsaken essay for tomorrow....
Anyway since I feel I should always put up at least one picture a post, here's a Poison Ivy sketch. This is also on one of my DeviantArt's. Enjoy~